Friday, March 14, 2014

Wrapping up the week: Big brother activities

Each week the big boys are assigned a chore and learning activity of their choosing to do with little A3. This week, little A3 had his first "big brother activity" with our new baby. Oh he was so proud!

Since St Patrick's Day is approaching, the big boys each did a shamrock craft with A3. My favorite craft activities are the kind you can eat or send as cards to loved ones. We mailed two sets of shamrock cards this week. Grandparents - keep an eye out for your mail carrier!

C16 chose this toilet paper tube shamrock stamp activity. They made four hearts then taped them together. After it tried A3 cut out the shamrocks for cards. The idea came from this blog. I'm always grateful for ideas from other blogs!

The activity N16 chose came from our MathArt book. They made pop up cards which introduced symmetry, and involved cutting, folding and gluing. 

Then little A3 did an activity of his own, taken from TeachPreschool. We worked together to give littlest one fun ways to explore with his new skill: kicking. A3 set up some empty plastic cups for his little brother to knock over and set them back up each time. Adorable!

Don't forget about My Little SAT Prep Giveaway and the Baseball Unit Study linkup! 


  1. I love the idea of having the older siblings oversee an activity for the little ones! So many benefits. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Oh thank you so much for stopping by! I have enjoyed your blog for so long and was inspired to try my own!


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